September 09, 2019

Updated Price List!

To make it easier to see the prices available which do relate to both the printed and figurative cookies, including packaging options, here are the price list highlights, front & center. Please email for questions and / or orders! Looking forward to hearing from you!
Printed Cookies
Add Plate/Art Charge set-up fees: Logo or text $25 and Portrait $40. Fee is one time only per artwork
3" Logo or monogram - one color ~$1.00 each

3" Logo or monogram - two color ~ $1.50 each
Small 2 monogrammed pops (chocolate filling) ~ $4.00 each / $5.00 bag w/ribbon
3" Box - 2 cookies - one color ~ $4.00 a box
3" Box 2 cookie sandwiches - 2 color ~ $8.00 a box
4 1/2" Logo etc - one color ~ $1.50 / $2.00 bag / $2.50 bag w/ribbon
4 1/2" Logo etc - two color ~ $2.00 / $2.50 bag /$3.00 bag w/ribbon
4" heart shape - One color $1.50 / $2.50 bag w/ribbon
4" Wedding Portraits - $2.50 / $3.00 bag / $3.50 bag with ribbon
Figurative Cookies 
Roses on pops ~ $3.00
Flying Doves~ $4.00 
Champagne bottles ~3.50 (print label)
Gingerbread party figures ~10.00 each
Left Hand with gold ring and bracelet ~ $5.00 each
Stained Glass windows ~$15.00 each
7+" Letters with gilded roses ~ $25.00 per letter

Due to high volume of orders, there is a $100.00 minimum  plate charges included in this amount.

Wedding Fair September 8th 2019

The Amazing Wedding Crashers group hosted a fantastic Wedding Fair this past Sunday. Very well attended, the Basilica in Hudson, New York was absolutely resplendent for the event! Here are a couple of pictures from the table PookyStudio presented...lots to see as usual, and taste!

Close up on the Pookypops

Sun in Virgo - Goddess Time!

For the Sun in Virgo, which is the only adult human in the Western Zodiac, I took inspiration from the Fabulous and Famous women of Film and History who were born under this sign. Here they are together and yes, the woman in the blue dress with the pearls is me!
Upper Row (L to R): Mother Teresa, Greta Garbo, Lauren Bacall, Sophia Loren, Ingrid Bergman, Beyonce
Bottom Row (L to R): Queen Elizabeth 1, Pooky, Raquel Welch, Salma Hayek, Padma Lakshmi